
Table of contents



  • Component library: A collection of common design components. These are reusable snippets of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, visual examples for reference, and documentation about how to use them
  • Design system: A collection of reusable components and patterns guided by principles and practices that forms the foundation of digital products. Design systems use style guides, component libraries, and guidelines to create a unified visual language and a consistent user experience
  • Docz: A software tool used to create interactive documentation
  • Plant: A software tool used to keep a detailed version history of a Sketch file
  • Public-facing website: An easily browsable reference website of components and documentation that is synchronized with the component library and UI Kit
  • Sketch: A vector graphics editor used to create the UI Kit
  • UI Kit: A graphic file, or collection of files, containing user interface (UI) components and patterns. Created and maintained in Sketch. This is synced to Sketch Cloud, a service which enables online browsing of the file as well as providing a way to import UI symbols into Sketch via a library
  • Zeplin: A software tool used to share designs between designers and developers

Design system team

  • Product owner / Design lead: Mark Mitchell (@withoutnations)
  • Engineering manager: Kristy Nolan (@kristyanne)
  • Product manager: Sydnee Watlow
  • Product manager: Richard Holden

Guidelines and requirements

Design requirements

Components must meet the design specifications of the design system UI Kit. Design specifications for a component are available in Sketch Cloud and Zeplin.

Proposed components

To establish a working process to jointly integrate proposed components into the design system repository and UI Kit, either contact the Product owner or post to the #design-system Slack channel.

Front-end guidelines

Reviewers will check a component meets the standards of the Front-end guidelines.

Environment setup

We use the following tools to maintain consistency:

Please make sure your environment and editor is set up correctly to utilise these.

Running on Windows

If running the design system on a Windows machine it is recommended to use bash when running the npm scripts instead of the default cmd.exe.

This can be accomplished by running the folllowing:

(86 bit installation) npm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"

(64 bit installation) npm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"

To revert run:npm config delete script-shell

Note: git for Windows is a requirement.

Code style guide

For CSS, the code style is configured with stylelint using Airbnb rules with modifications. Details can be found in our Front-end guidelines.

For JavaScript, the code style is configured with ESLint using the Airbnb JavaScript style guide and recommended settings from eslint-plugin-react with a few local overrides. ESLint is also configured with Prettier to maintain consistent code formatting among contributors. Any additional style and linting rules can be found in .eslintrc.js.

We recommend setting up stylelint, ESLint and Prettier for your editor for automatic formatting. Otherwise, run npm run lint:fix to automatically fix JavaScript warnings with ESLint, and npm run stylelint to detect CSS warnings.

Component naming and location

When building a component that is intended for use across all digital Economist products, place it in the src/common/components/ directory. Place components intended only for use in a specific platform or channel in their respective directory, e.g. src/EIU/components/component-name.

Every component must include:

  • component-name.js
  • component-name.css
  • component-name.test.js
  • component-name.stories.js

Plans are in motion to replace docz with Storybook so for a while we will see *.docz.mdx and *.stories.js files side-by-side. If you are adding a new component, you only have to worry about Storybook.

When you try to commit components that do not have docz files, you will get asked whether you want to create new docz files for them - hit n and the components will be whitelisted, which means this error will not occur again. You will need to do your commit on the command line (rather than in a GUI) for this to be visible.

Alternatively, you can add files to the whitelist manually.

The component name should mirror the labels assigned to the component in the UI Kit. For example:

# Button

# Navigation disclosure

CSS classnames

Prefix component CSS class names in the design system to avoid conflicts with project-level styling.

For common components, prefix with ds-:

.ds-button {

For a platform or channel, create a two-letter prefix. For example, the EIU might use eiu-:

.eiu-button {

Component CSS classes should follow component names in the design system UI Kit, written as “Name (variant)”. Use hyphens for spaces, and for each variant add a new modifier class.


/* Button */
.ds-button {

/* Button (inverse) */
.ds-button {
.ds-button--inverse {

/* Button (inverse, secondary) */
.ds-button {
.ds-button--inverse {
.ds-button--secondary {

/* Navigation disclosure */
.ds-navigation-disclosure {

/* Navigation disclosure with icon */
.ds-navigation-disclosure-with-icon {

/* Navigation disclosure with icon (inverse) */
.ds-navigation-disclosure-with-icon {
.ds-navigation-disclosure-with-icon--inverse {

/* Section headline + rule (accent) */
.ds-section-headline {
.ds-section-headline--rule-accent {

Storybook requirements

As detailed above, each component must include a Storybook file that follows the naming convention of .stories.js. This file is used to create a component story for Storybook.

Component assets

Place component assets (such as images and fonts) in a separate static directory. For common components, this is found in eds://common/static/ and for a platform or channel, follow the same convention eds://EIU/static/.

To include an asset in the component JavaScript file:

import AssetName from '../../static/images/icons/asset.svg';

To include an asset in the component CSS file:

background-image: url('eds://common/static/images/asset.svg');


When adding SVGs to the codebase individually, consider using the SVGOMG online tool to neaten and optimise files.

Scripts / Tasks

npm run docs

Used to build and preview all components. Docz is a documentation system that allows developers to browse, organize and test design system components within the browser.

This will eventually be replaced by Storybook

npm run storybook

Build and open Storybook - this allows you to preview Design System components in isolation

npm run dev

To preview components as you would in a project, add a component to /pages/index.js. By default, this page includes the <Masthead> and <Footer> components. These can be modified or removed for testing, but do not commit the changes.

npm run coverage

Checks unit test coverage.

npm run test[:watch]

Runs Jest unit tests and optionally watch for changes.

npm run lint[:fix]

Lints all components and optinally will attempt to fix issues.

npm run stylelint

Lints all CSS.

npm run assets:svgr

Helpful to quickly create React components from SVGs from src/common/static/images/svgr to src/common/components/assets/svgr using gregberge/svgr.


Create a new branch

To begin work on a new component or issue, create a branch from master following the format:

# Creating new components

# Add a brief description when modifying existing components

# Reference the ticket for a specific issue (a brief description is optional)

Create a pull request

When raising a pull request, the checklist template should be checked and completed.

When a pull request for a new component is submitted for review, reviewers will test a component's functionality and check that the component meets a set of guidelines and standards.

In your pull request, include a line to indicate the intended version type. Our publishing process uses Semantic Versioning (semver): releases are categorised as either major, minor, or patch.

Linting and testing

Every pull request must pass all linting checks and tests. When a pull request is created, the build process will check that each component passes the configuration defined in .eslintrc and .stylelintrc.

Components must include unit tests (defined in component-name.test.js). Tests use Jest & Enzyme. Some components, such as colour or typography, may be exempt from the tests requirement. Aim to add good test coverage which can be checked by running npm run coverage.

Any outstanding errors must be corrected before publishing.


Pull requests have no set number of reviewers. Generally, it is more important to check that the most relevant people are involved in the process. For the time being, this should always include the Product owner and Tech lead, but is open to further review and collaboration.

The design system team, as it grows, will refine the governance process and defer to the acceptance criteria of this document and experienced reviewers.

Manual testing

Reviewers will test a component independently in the design system repository. This is to ensure that the component is functional, that it includes all required styling and interactions and that it does not have any dependencies on other projects.

Publishing a component

Follow the publishing guidelines in Maintainers

Consume a component

To import a newly published component into a project, update the npm component in the project to reflect the latest release. This is done in package.json, and it is recommended that the person responsible for submitting the component for review also makes the change in the project.

Beta and canary

To use a beta or canary release component in a project:

npm i @economist/design-system@beta`
npm i @economist/design-system@canary`

The version can also be changed manually in the project's package.json file.